EAERE 2024
Leuven, Belgium
01 Jul - 04 Jul 2024
29th Annual Conference
of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists

Conference themes, methods and related fields

We welcome contributions on a variety of themes and using different methodological approaches. When submitting your paper, you will be able to select: the topics of your paper; the methods you use; and the fields you relate to. 

Topics include:

  • T1: Ecosystem services and natural resources
  • T2: Energy
  • T3: Climate change and the global environment
  • T4: Environmental problems
  • T5: Preferences and welfare
  • T6: Environmental macroeconomics & development
  • T7: Environmental regulation
  • T8: Environmental economics in open economies

Methods include:

  • M1: Theoretical modelling
  • M2: Empirical analysis
  • M3: Experimental and Behavioural Economics
  • M4: CBA and Environmental Valuation
  • M5: Numerical Simulation

Related fields are:

  • F1: Microeconomics
  • F2: Macroeconomics
  • F3: Econometrics
  • F4: Behavioral economics
  • F5: Development economics
  • F6: Evolutionary and complexity economics
  • F7: Experimental economics
  • F8: Finance
  • F9: Health economics
  • F10: Industrial organisation
  • F11: International economics
  • F12: Labour economics
  • F13: Law and economics
  • F14: Political economy
  • F15: Public economics
  • F16: Urban, spatial, regional and transport economics
  • F17: Climate science
  • F18: Agricultural economics
  • F19: Ecology and ecological economics
  • F20: Interdisciplinary
  • F21: Other fields
Last update on October 14, 2023