EAERE 2024
Leuven, Belgium
01 Jul - 04 Jul 2024
29th Annual Conference
of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists

Instructions for paper presenters

Presentation format

We kindly ask you not to bring your own laptop, but to bring your presentation on a USB-key, as a laptop (MS Windows environment) will be provided in all rooms. Changing laptops takes valuable time and might cause technical difficulties. Please note that there are no Macintosh computers available.

Supported presentation format is PowerPoint (format 16:9) preferably or PDF. Make sure to copy your presentation onto the laptop in the assigned room. The volunteers and chairs in the auditorium will assist you with this. Please save your presentation under the following file name to avoid confusion: EAERE2024_LastName_Session#

Please note that presentations should be given in English only.

Presentations can be uploaded during the break before your session in the room where your presentation will take place. We kindly ask you to be in the room 15 minutes before the start of your session. Please use this time to locate and present yourself to the chair of your session so they know you are present and your presentation can be uploaded.


Organisation of sessions
Sessions will be 1 hour and 45 minutes. The time available for each paper is 25 minutes, of which 20 minutes are for the presentation and 5 minutes for the discussant’s comments. Presenters should come to the room at least 10 minutes before the start of the session to allow time for the presentations to be copied to the computer. A conference assistant will be available near your room in case of technical difficulties.  Please go to the assigned room well in advance so the chair of the session knows that you are present. Please respect your colleagues and keep to the allocated time for your presentation.
All presenters of regular papers are called upon to discuss a paper in the same session in which they present. Please note that discussants should provide comments and suggestions. They should NOT summarise the paper (that is the presenter’s task).  PowerPoint slides to support your comments are not expected but if preferred then please make sure to upload before the start of the session. More detailed comments can be passed on to the presenter after the session, preferably in written form.  Please check the detailed conference programme when it becomes available in June to see of which paper you are the discussant.  
In order to access the full papers in the programme, please log into your ConfTool account and select "Browse conference agenda." Please make sure you are logged in to your ConfTool account in order to be able to access the full PDFs of the papers. Once you are logged in, access a session (parallel, egg-timer) and select the "Show Downloads" button on the top left of the programme. Links to the PDF files will appear below each paper.
Papers are only available to registered participants.
Session Chairs

One person in each session is designated as the Session Chair; please check the detailed conference programme when it becomes available in the coming days to see if you are the Chair of your session. Chairpersons should come to the room at least 10 minutes before the start of the session. Chairs should briefly introduce the session and the speakers, make sure the time available is divided equally and guide the discussion from the floor following each presentation. To see if you will be chairing your session, please check the detailed conference programme when it becomes available in June. In the unlikely case where the scheduled chair does not attend, the presenter of the session’s actual last paper is expected to take over the role of chair. 


Any questions regarding these instruction and late cancellations should be sent to programme@eaere.org.


Last update on July 5, 2024