EAERE 2024
Leuven, Belgium
01 Jul - 04 Jul 2024
29th Annual Conference
of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists


The KU Leuven has a 6 centuries-old tradition of ground-breaking research and high quality education. The university is growing fast, both in quantity and quality. Reuters identifies and ranks the educational institutions which are doing the most to advance science, invent new technologies and power new markets and industries. KU Leuven University is the highest-ranked non-US institution on the Reuters list. The collaboration between the university, the city, research hospitals and knowledge-driven entrepreneurs is Leuven’s biggest strength. 

Leuven is a vibrant student city with a rich beer culture. Since 1366, people have been brewing in Leuven. AB InBev is still the biggest brewery of the world today. Every year, more than 50,000 students move into the city and experience the dynamic student life. 20% of them are international students which makes Leuven a multicultural city. 

Leuven is a city with centuries-old cultural heritage. Leuven has a lot to offer in terms of cultural heritage. The gothic town hall, the Grand Beguinage and the Saint Peter’s Church are worth a visit. The historic university buildings are located around the city and may be used during the conference.

(c) Rob Stevens

Last update on March 27, 2024