EAERE 2024
Leuven, Belgium
01 Jul - 04 Jul 2024
29th Annual Conference
of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists

Welcome reception

Monday, July 1 from 18.00 till 20.00

You are very welcome at the Jubileumzaal in the Universiteitshallen.

The university hall was originally used by cloth weavers as a trading place. Shortly after the university was founded in 1425, part of the building was made available by the city as a classroom for lectures. Today, the university hall serves as the university's policy center. It still serves as the central enrollment area, and many doctorates are publicly defended in the doctoral hall. The university hall has recently been opened to the public.


Address: Naamsestraat 22, 3000 Leuven

An access guide and map can be found here.


Last update on February 28, 2024