EAERE 2024
Leuven, Belgium
01 Jul - 04 Jul 2024
29th Annual Conference
of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists

Local Organisers

KU Leuven is an international community where innovative research forms the basis of all our academic programmes. Across the university, driven researchers and curious students continually gain new insights and use their knowledge to tackle the foremost challenges of our time.

The EAERE conference is organised by the CEDON research centre for economics and corporate sustainability of KU Leuven.

CEDON (“Centrum voor Economie en Duurzaam Ondernemen” in Dutch) is an interdisciplinary group of scholars with a focus on three topics: Resource, Environment and Society.

  • CEDON has a strong track record in international research in the field of resource management and circular economy. CEDON is a key partner in several large scale research consortia in the area of sustainable materials’ management such as the Flemish Circular Economy Policy Research Center.
  • The choice of an appropriate and effective policy instrument in order to obtain particular environmental policy goals is a challenging exercise. Several aspects such as compliance costs, political feasibility, efficiency, predicted changes in production and consumption decisions and administrative costs need to be taken into account. Further, cost benefit analysis and multicriteria analysis are used to develop new policies or to finetune existing policies. Finally, valuation of environmental goods and services is a long standing and key research theme in CEDON.
  • Within the societal axis, researchers develop knowledge about multiactor actor collaboration for sustainability. The following concepts are addressed: relational leadership in multiactor governance, local community involvement, economic instruments (e.g. PES, EPR) and multiactor collaboration, interdisciplinarity as multiactor challenge, implementation of corporate social responsibility and the influence of government.


Last update on June 21, 2023