EAERE 2017
Athens, Greece
28 Jun - 01 Jul 2017
23rd Annual Conference
of the European Association
of Environmental and Resource Economists

European Job Market for Environmental and Resource Economists

Check the job market papers presented at Conference!

The European Job Market for Environmental and Resource Economists aims to offer the two sides of the market - institutions with open positions and candidates looking for a job - both a virtual and a physical place to meet and look for the best match. Candidates, universities, public and private institutions, and corporations are invited to apply to participate in the Job Market.

Candidates' profiles and information on open positions are posted on the EAERE website throughout the whole year.

Candidates pariticipating in EAERE's Annual Conference can also mark their papers as a "job market paper" in the paper submission process. The list of "job market papers" is available here and will be announced together with the Conference programme, giving visibility to candidates.
With over 700 participants from all over the world, EAERE Annual Conferences are an invaluable resource for individuals looking for new job opportunities and for institutions with vacant positions.
Further information is available here
Last update on June 15, 2017