EAERE 2018
Gothenburg Sweden
25 Jun - 29 Jun 2018
6th World Congress of Environmental and Resource Economists

Instructions for Egg-timer Presenters

New paper file

If you wish to update your paper file we ask you to do this by May 28. To do this, follow these steps: (a) Sign in to your account at http://fleximeets.com/wcere2018/;  (b) Click “View Submissions.”; (c) Click on the paper you want to edit. (d) On the right, under “Edit submission”, click “Upload file” to upload your new file, which will replace your earlier file. Note that if you choose not to upload a new file, your original file will remain.


Author names

Please check the order of the list of authors for your paper and, if necessary, re-order them so they correspond to the order on your title page. To change the order, repeat steps 1(a), 1(b) and 1(c) above. Then, under “Edit submission”, click “Edit Authors”. To change the order of the authors, click the symbol to the left of the author number and drag names to reorder them.


Presentation format

A computer (MS Windows environment) will be available in each room at the conference venue. Please bring your presentation on a USB disk, because connecting of personal laptops might not be possible. Your presentation should be in PowerPoint (.ppt or .pptx) or .pdf format, and should be named with your last name to avoid confusion. Each room is equipped with a pointer and a whiteboard (please use with whiteboard pens available in the room only).


Organization of sessions

The egg-timer session will be 40 minutes. The time available for egg-timer papers is 10 minutes, distributed as follows: 7 minutes for presentation, and 3 minutes for general discussion. Presenters should come to the room 10 minutes prior to the start of the session so that presentations can be copied onto the computer before the session begins. A conference assistant will be available near each room in case of technical difficulties. Please go to the assigned room well in advance of when your session starts to show respect to your colleagues and the audience. Given the tight schedule, we will have to impose a strict time restriction for all paper presentations, so please respect your colleagues and keep to the allotted time.


Egg-timer format

The egg-timer is a new format that we have not tried at the World Congress before. For this reason, here are some important guidelines and hints on how to navigate this format:

  1. Seven minutes is not a long time….. so make sure you can convey the paper within the time constraints;
  2. The presentation should focus only on the key aspects of the paper;
  3. The fewer slides you have the better.
  4. Be prepared for your presentation to be cut-short if you go over time.


Session chairs

One person in each session is designated as the Session Chair. Chairs should come to the room 10 minutes prior to the start of the session. Chairs should briefly introduce the session and speakers, make sure that the available time is divided equally over each paper to be presented, and guide the discussion from the floor following each presentation. Please check the conference programme when it becomes available in June to see if you are the chair of your session. (Note that in unusual cases when the scheduled chair does not attend, the presenter of the session's actual last paper is expected to take over the role of chair.)


Any questions regarding these instructions and late cancellations should be sent to



Last update on June 5, 2018