EAERE 2023
Limassol, Cyprus
27 Jun - 30 Jun 2023
28th Annual Conference
of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists


Applications are open!

The European Job Market for Environmental and Resource Economists will be held within the 28th EAERE Annual Conference.

EAERE is the biggest and most prominent scientific association in the field of Resource and Environmental Economics worldwide. Its annual conference attracts every year up to 800 participants from academic institutions, the public sector, and the private industry. There are attendees from around 80 countries from Europe and beyond who research and operate in the field of resource and environmental economics. Its high level of registrations confirms the Conference importance and is therefore an excellent opportunity for advertisement and networking in the field of environmental and resource economics.


The European Job Market for Environmental and Resource Economists aims to offer the two sides of the market - institutions with open positions and candidates looking for a job - a virtual place to look for the best match. Candidates, universities, public and private institutions and corporations taking part in the 28th EAERE Annual Conference (EAERE 2023) are invited to apply to participate in the Job Market.

The EAERE website will host an EAERE 2023 Job Market web page showcasing job market candidates’ and recruiters’ profiles.  
Job market candidates and recruiters will freely interact. Interviews will be arranged individually between recruiters and candidates in a separate environment (virtually or in person) convened by the parties.
The EAERE job market is now open to all EAERE individual and institutional members:

Access the Job Market web page
The EAERE 2023 Job Market web page will be available until September 30th, 2023.

The ‘Recruiter Application Form’ must be filled in, in order to be inserted in the EAERE 2023 Job Market web page. A contact person of the recruiting institution will have to register in the Conference.
The application process is now closed. Deadline for applications was June 15, 2023.
The ‘Job Market Candidate Application Form’ must be filled in, in order to be inserted in the EAERE 2023 Job Market web page.
The application process is now closed. Deadline for applications was June 15, 2023.

For any further information or clarifications, please write to eaere@eaere.org.

Last update on June 19, 2023