Workshop on Behavioural and Experimental Methods on Environmental and Development Policy
- EAERE Supported Event -
Date and time: 26/06/2019, 9:00 am – 5:30 pm
Venue: University Place, University of Manchester
The workshop will provide an overview of the role of behavioural and experimental economics on environmental and development policies and bring together expertise and insights from recent international work in this area of research. The workshop will present state-of-the-art research and discuss whether and how the interplay of social preferences, norms, financial instruments and/or institutions can affect environmental and development policies. By bringing these research strands together, the workshop provides an opportunity to exchange ideas, produce new research topics, share insights on how to deal with some of the methodological and conceptual challenges in these areas, and map out a research agenda.
The workshop will provide an overview of behavioural and experimental method by discussing what this method can address and how. In addition, each speaker will give the rationale behind this methodology on specific issues related to environmental and development economics (e.g., climate change, social norms, and gender inequality) and also the recent developments in this field by presenting their research works.
Venue and target audience
The workshop will be held at University Place, University of Manchester, on 26th June 2019, immediately before the 2019 Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists. Its target audience is researchers, academics, policy analysts, and policy makers. Advanced PhD students will also be considered.
9:00 - 9:25
Welcome Note and
A Brief Overview on Behavioural and Experimental Methods and Environmental Economics
Prasenjit Banerjee (University of Manchester, UK)
9:25 - 10:15
Andreas Lange (University of Hamburg, Germany)
Title: Private contributions and the regional scope of charities: How donation experiments can inform public policy
10:15 - 11:05
Karine Nyborg (University of Oslo, Norway)
Title: The fine line between wanted and unwanted information: an experiment on strategic ignorance
11:05 - 11:30 Coffee
11:30 - 11:55
Behavioural and Experimental Methods and Environmental Economics: A Brief Overview
Pushkar Maitra (Monash University, Australia)
11:55 - 12:45
Pushkar Maitra (Monash University, Australia)
Title: Judging Actions: Social Norms, Gender and Third Party Response
12:45 - 1:45 Lunch
1:45 - 2:35
Timo Goeschl (Heidelberg University, Germany)
Title: The Nature of Experience
2:35 - 3:25
Michael Finus (University of Graz, Austria)
Title: Team Formation in Coordination Games with Fixed Neighborhoods
3:25 - 3:50 Coffee
3:50 - 4:40
Fredrick Carlsson (University of Gothenburg, Sweden)
Title: Optimal prosocial nudging
4:40 - 5:30
Prasenjit Banerjee (University of Manchester, UK)
Title: Politicians and their promises in an uncertain world: Evidence from a lab-in-the-field experiment in India

There is no fee for the course. The Manchester School and the Economics department, University of Manchester are sponsoring the workshop.
Last update on June 13, 2019 |