EAERE 2017
Athens, Greece
28 Jun - 01 Jul 2017
23rd Annual Conference
of the European Association
of Environmental and Resource Economists

Instructions for Poster Presenters


Paper files are currently “blind.” We ask that you upload a new file with a title page that includes the author name(s) and affiliation(s), by May 28. To do this, follow these steps: (a) Sign in to your account at http://fleximeets.com/eaere23/  and (b) Click “View Submissions.” (c) Click on the paper you want to edit. (d) On the right, under “Edit submission”, click “Upload file” and upload your new file, which will replace your earlier file. Note that if you choose not to upload a new file, your blind file will remain.



Please check the order of the list of authors for your paper and, if necessary, re-order them so they correspond to the order on your title page. To change the order, repeat steps 1(a),  1(b) and 1(c) above. Then, under “Edit submission”, click “Edit Authors”. To change the order of the authors, click the symbol to the left of the author number and drag names to reorder them.

*Note that the author name(s), affiliation(s) and order will appear in the conference programme book as they appear in Fleximeets, so please make any needed changes by May 28.



Your printed poster should be A0 paper size (84.1cmx118.9cm). Presenters are free to design their poster in whatever way best represents the key points of the paper.



You are kindly asked to bring your poster to the Conference Secretariat during registration on Wednesday, June 28, 18:00 – 20:00, or during registration on Thursday, June 29, 08:00 – 9:00, at the latest. The Conference Secretariat will put up your poster and show you its location. Posters will be displayed for the entire duration of the Conference. You are asked to take down your poster on Saturday, July 1, after the end of the scientific sessions, if you wish to take it back with you.



Your poster presentation will take place during one of the four poster sessions scheduled during the coffee breaks on Thursday and Friday (June 29-30). The schedule will be put on the conference website by early June. Poster presenters are kindly requested to stand next to their poster during the duration of their poster session, in order to answer any questions.



Presenters have 5 minutes to present their poster paper. A logical way to organize the presentation is: 1½ minutes to explain your research topic and why it is important; 1 minute to summarize your methodology; 1 minute to present your important results; and 1½ minutes to address the significance of your research contribution.

Please note that there is a Best Poster Award at the EAERE Annual Conference, made available by Springer.

Any questions regarding these instructions should be sent to programme_eaere2017@icre8.eu

Last update on May 24, 2017