Pre-conference Workshop: Beyond Coal - Designing Coal Phase-outs Across the Globe
June 21-22, 2021 | online
Local Organizers: Pao-Yu Oei (EUF, TU Berlin), Jan Steckel (MCC Berlin)
Additional Organizers: Jan Minx (MCC Berlin), Paola Yanguas Parra & Christian Hauenstein (TU Berlin), Elmar Kriegler (PIK)
In cooperation with the "Dialogue on the Economics of Climate Change", funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research
Background and Aims
How to phase out coal is a major political challenge policy-makers are confronted with. The anticipated (re)distribution of social and economic prosperity within and between affected countries, regions, sectors, and actors call for coal producing and consuming countries to design socially just and publicly acceptable frameworks for upcoming (regional) coal phase-outs. However, long-standing ties between coal industry and (regional) politics are regularly found to impede necessary policy reforms. In addition, many coal-dependent regions are economically stagnating, and some must deal with young and well-educated people emigrating. People and businesses feel like they are at the losing end of international climate policies, and fiercely lobby against planned shutdowns. Oftentimes, their resistance is supported by local administrations, energy providers and unions. Thus, integrated strategies that ameliorate the socio-economic consequences of climate-related structural change and provide viable options for future development are needed.
In this pre-EAERE event we will examine these issues from different perspectives. The event is divided in three sessions:
Theoretical and conceptual frameworks for the analysis of political economy of coal phase-out and on energy transitions. June 21, 12:00-16:30 (UCT+2; Berlin time). Semi-open event, limited number or additional participants (free of charge, registration required). Registration via email; please include a short profile and motivation to participate in this session.
Case studies on coal transitions. June 22, 10:00-12:00 (UCT+2). Semi-open event, limited number of additional participants (free of charge, registration required). Registration under: https://forms.gle/oPCrJH4ZCAmicnWBA
Public event: Prospects for coal in a post-pandemic world. June 22, 16:00-18:00 (UCT+2). Session open to public (free of charge, registration required). Registration under: https://forms.gle/1SEvmY7sWfxc9TPd6
Monday, June 21, 2021
12:00-14:00 (UCT+2)
Introduction Pre-Eaere Event and Block 1&2: Theoretical and conceptual frameworks for the analysis of political economy of coal phase-out and on energy transitions.
Semi-open event, limited number or additional participants (free of charge, registration required).
Registration via email; please include a short profile and motivation to participate in this session.
Presentation 1: The AOC framework and the political economy of coal – overview and examples from 15 case studies
Stakeholders/experts panel discussion AOC framework.
Japan (Gregory Trencher, University of Kyoto)
South East Asia (Elrika Hamdi, IEEFA)
Europe (Hanna Brauers, CoalExit Group)
Colombia (Andrea Cardoso, UniMagdalena)
Presentations 2-3: Diagnostic framework for feasibility of low carbon transitions in coal dependent regions & CINTRAN project
Semi-open event, limited number or additional participants (free of charge, registration required).
Registration via email; please include a short profile and motivation to participate in this session.
Lola Nacke/Jessica Jewell, Chalmers University
Lukas Hermwille, Wuppertal Institute
Adrian Rinscheid, University of St. Gallen
Event will be followed by voluntary networking event for participants
Tuesday, June 22, 2021
10:00-12:00 (UCT+2)
Block 3: Case studies on coal transitions – drivers, barriers, and socio-economic implication. Analysis of politically and economically viable coal phase-out pathways, and possible synergies in the wake of post-pandemic recovery efforts.
Semi-open session (free of charge, registration required with limited slots).
Registration under: https://forms.gle/oPCrJH4ZCAmicnWBA
Case studies:
Australia - Frank Jotzo, Australian National University
India - Lorenzo Montrone, MCC Berlin
South Africa - Jesse Burton, University of Cape Town
Germany - Isabell Braunger, CoalExit Group
Other event: Pre-conference Workshop: Increasing Global Climate Ambition – How to get Lower-Income Countries and Fossil-Fuel Exporters on Board?
Public event: This event combines global, regional, and local perspectives, as well as from academia, politics, and practice, to debate the status of coal phase-out ambitions and opportunities of mutually transitioning out of coal dependence and economic crisis within the context of the post-pandemic economic recovery efforts.
Public Event (free of charge, registration required).
Registration under: https://forms.gle/1SEvmY7sWfxc9TPd6
Keynote by CoalExit: Coal after the pandemic – recovery or on its terminal decline?
Panel discussion with
Nicole Glanemann, Officer at Unit of Bilateral Cooperation, German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi)
Sandeep Pai, Senior Research Lead, Energy Security and Climate Change Program, Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS); University of British Columbia
Rebekka Popp, Policy Advisor, E3G
Xinyue/Helen Ma, China Research and Project Lead, Boston University Global Development Policy Center
Moderated by: Pao-Yu Oei, Professor for Economics of Sustainable Energy System Transition, Europa-Universität Flensburg; Head of CoalExit research group
Last update on June 18, 2021 |